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Typically the Examiners app is only updated a couple of times a year.  If you ensure that your app is closed during these updates, then it should automatically update to the new version.  If you find that you need to manually update the Examiners app please follow these steps...

  • Close all apps by double pressing the Home button on the front of the iPad.  This will minimize all open apps to the middle of the screen.  Place your finger on each app and slide it up and off the top of the screen to close the open apps.
  • Press the Home button to go back to the main iPad screen.
  • Tap on App Catalog to open the list of available apps.
  • Tap on "Update" next to the Examiners App.
  • You should receive a prompt that Examiners is about to be installed on your iPad.
  • Press the Home button to go back to the main screen.
  • As the new version of the app is installing you'll notice the icon for Examiners is being redrawn.  Once the install completes you'll see the regular icon and should have a blue dot next to it to indicate it's been update.  The app is now ready for use.

This document provides a basic overview of using the Examiners app on the iPad.

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A brief overview on using the iPad.

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This was reported as an issue with American General, but can be true when completing any Part II on the iPad.

Reported Issue:  When completing an American General Part II for husband and wife, I get a session timeout error usually when trying to complete the second Part II.

Workaround: After completing the first exam, return to the main Examiners app screen and tap Logout BEFORE starting the spouse’s exam. Log back into the Examiners App and begin second exam.

Note:  If a session time out does occur: Log out of the App; Log back in; Start a Part II Search from the left-hand menu to pick up the Part II where it left off.

Best Practice:

  1. Logging out of the app should be done after each exam to ensure a fresh start/session for the next exam.  This is done by tapping "Logout" on the main screen of the Examiners App
  2. Closing the Examiners App.  This is done by double-pressing the Home button and swiping the App up and off the screen or check out the topic "How Do I Properly Close the Examiners App?"
  1. Logout of the Examiners app.
  2. Press the “Home” button twice (quickly) – any open apps will shrink to the middle of the screen
  3. Place your finger on each app and swipe it upward as if you are sliding it off the top of the screen
  4. There will be one screen that will not close and that is the one with all the icons on it
  5. Press the “Home” button once to return back to the home screen

Watch this YouTube video if you have any questions on how to close apps on the iPad

All exams are to be completed using the cellular service provided on the iPad when LTE is indicated in the top left corner of the iPad screen with at least 3 dots of service.

It is NEVER acceptable to ask an applicant to connect to his/her Wi-fi or internet service in order to complete an examination.

In a location with poor cellular service, the exam should be completed on paper.

Wi-fi should always be off except when needed to perform an iOS update on the iPad.

Passcode is what is used to bring the iPad out of sleep mode, known as the security screensaver passcode (this is the first entry to open the iPad for use).

Password refers to the login to the Examiners Application associated with an examiner's username, ie. Firstname.M.Lastname.

Simultaneously press the power and home buttons on the iPad to capture an image of what's currently on the screen.  After taking the screen capture, Click Here to upload the photo to ExamOne Field Support.

When new client account codes are setup in the Portal, at this time it cannot be configured based on state, but when trying to complete the Part 2 on the iPad that system is setup to be restricted by state, if so desired by the client.  If you receive the below message when opening a Part 2 please revert to paper, this is not an error, but a limitation of the Portal at this time.


This case cannot be completed in this state.  It is not approved for process in this state.

Full error message:

Error:  Unable to obtain eDocument for reason:  NYL requires there to be an agent code associated with the order

This means the Agent/Agency is setup incorrectly in the Portal.  Please notify your office of the incorrect setup so they can ask their producer sales rep to correct it.  Even if updated the correction will not show up immediately on the iPad, so the Part 2 should be completed on paper.  The office still needs to be notified to ensure future Part 2's have the correct info so that they can be completed on the iPad.

This error is received when the labslip is unable to upload to the server, typically due to no/weak connectivity.  The application will continue to try and resend in the background and should upload once connectivity is sufficient.  You can also force an attempt by selecting the Sync button on the mainscreen of the Examiners app.  Additionally, you can check the status of a labslip sync in the Upload History.

In the case of a 2 day urine, the first day can be completed on the iPad, but day 2 must be done on paper labslip.  Both days cannot be done via iPad.

Once the electronic has been signed and submitted, it may not be updated and has to be completed on paper.  For the labslip you can submit the Report Issue form to have the labslip canceled by the support team, but please contact your office for incorrect data on a Part 2.

At this time alternate state forms cannot be selected on the iPad.  The iPad e-doc can only pull the state form for the state of residence of the applicant on the order.  If an alternate state form is needed please use paper.

In some cases, after submitting a Report Issue, the app support team may request that you submit a bug report so that additional information may be collected from the iPad logs for troubleshooting.  To submit a bug report:

On the left hand side of the Examiners app select "About", which will bring up another window with additional info.  At the bottom of that window is "Enable Customer Assistance".  Slide the toggle button to the right, to enable it, then click the "Done" button to go back to your scheduled orders screen.  This will turn on the red cross button, in the lower right-hand corder of the scheduled orders screen, and you can click on it to bring up the bug report screen.  In the bug report screen enter the global ID, a short description of what happend, and then submit it.

Note: The examiner must submit the bug report using the same login credentials and iPad that was used to complete and submit the e lab slip originally.

Labslips may fail to sync, and are stuck in cache, even after returning to good cellular coverage area and even if later labslips upload successfully.  In these cases the only chance for recovery is to submit a bug report from the Examiners app and then submit the Report issue form.  

*****Please be aware that any order more than 7 days past date of appointment will be unrecoverable.  If that's the case then please work with your office to obtain labslip on paper.

Submitting a bug report:

On the left-hand side of the Examiners app select "About", which will bring up another window with additional info. At the bottom of that window is "Enable Customer Assistance". Slide the toggle button to the right, to enable it, then click the "Done" button to go back to your scheduled orders screen. This will turn on the red cross button, in the lower right-hand corner of the scheduled orders screen, and you can click on it to bring up the bug report screen. In the bug report screen enter the global ID, a short description of what happened, and then submit it.

The Part 2 Search, left-hand side of the Examiners screen, can be used to review exams. If the exam has already been successfully submitted, the record is locked and will display “Read Only” in the bottom right-hand corner. If you receive the “Read Only” message, and the Part 2 is still not in the Portal, please do a Report Issue, from the Resource Center, and include in the comments that you are receiving this message.

If you do not get the "Read Only" message, the Part 2 may not be completed and therefore cannot be transmitted to the Portal.  Enter the Global ID and then the last four digits of your examiner ID, which should allow you to open the Part 2 and complete any missing fields.

There are two account codes for NWM, 461 and 7960, that are physical measurement only.  There is a known issue where the form may not be available on the iPad, and the application team is aware of the issue, but there is no ETA on a resolution at this time.  The only option is to switch to paper.

2 Companies/1 Applicant Scenario 

If there are 2 different company orders for 1 applicant, both companies must be LabOne orders.  Complete 1st company order using the paper lab slip, send paper lab slip in lab kit with specimens.  Complete 2nd company order on the iPad eLabslip, documenting barcode from the paper lab slip of 1st company.  Collect and send 1 set of specimens in lab kit, with barcode labels from paper lab slip.

**1 barcode used for specimens, paper lab slip and eLab slip (iPad)**